non surgical body contouring

non surgical body contouring : Vella shape III + cool sculpting

Vellashape III
VelaShape 3 is a new non-invasive treatment that
uses a combination of technologies to contour your body and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Vacuum technology manipulates your skin while infrared light and bi-polar radio frequency energies gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue.
After 3-6 treatments, patients typically notice a reduction in both circumference and in the appearance of cellulite in the treated areas. The surface of the skin will feel smoother and firmer, too. Some patients see results after their first visit, and in its clinical trials, VelaShape 3 led to a reduction of one full dress size after a series of treatments.

What is CoolSculpting速
The unique CoolSculpting速 fat-freezing technology is a non-surgical, scientifically proven way to reduce pockets of fat in trouble spots such as the abdomen, flanks or under the chin in as little as one session.
Up to 20-25% reduction in fat layer thickness after a single session. Results are typically seen 2-6 months or more after treatment.

What is stubborn fat?
The number of fat cells is set during childhood and adolescence and varies little during adulthood.
Some individuals may have stubborn pockets of fat that are more difficult to reduce despite diet and exercise.
These stubborn pockets may vary greatly from person to person, because we all carry fat in different areas of our bodies.